Introducing OpenWorkspace®

Part I : Expanding the Desktop
Introducing OpenWorkspace® :Part I : Expanding the Desktop
OVERVIEW contents
  1. Today’s desktop operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux, Chrome OS) are characterized by the same classic 50-year-old desktop graphical user interface (‘desktop GUI’), which still looks and functions much like it did in its original state.
  2. Nearly all of the major improvements to the desktop GUI were made over the period spanning the 1970’s to the early 2000s; the most recent fundamental improvement being made decades ago with the addition of the ‘launchbar’ concept (e.g., the Windows ‘Taskbar’ and macOS ‘Dock’.)
  3. The information landscape has dramatically evolved in the time since, now featuring 120 times more web pages, 50 times more web apps, and 10 times more desktop apps than before.
  4. In response, users have added monitors to effectively expand their desktop space, allowing more windows and tabs to be displayed simultaneously. Supported by research and practical use, multiple monitor usage has been shown to significantly reduce the need for scanning and switching between the increasing number of windows and tabs.
  5. Meanwhile, monitors have grown in size, with many single monitors now offering the same screen real estate as a dual- or multi-monitor setup—providing users with a viable alternative to using two, three, or more monitors.
  6. Despite this, the benefits of upgrading from multiple monitors to a single larger one (ease of setup, aesthetics, lower cost of screen real-estate—to name a few) come with a major usability cost, in that the spatially familiar multiple-monitor experience must be abandoned and replaced with the basic window-snapping functionality that comes for free with the operating system.
  7. OpenWorkspace® solves this problem by adding  an all-new dual-region construct to your existing desktop so that windows and tabs can be snapped into a primary region or held in the space surrounding it—extending PARC’s classic desktop GUI, and adapting it for use with larger canvases of screen real-estate afforded by today’s relatively larger monitors.
  8. While intended to be used with single larger external monitors, the Focal Contextual Desktop can flex to any practical arrangement of multiple monitorswhether an open laptop screen is part of the mix or not.
  9. Starting today, PC users can upgrade to the Focal Contextual Desktop for free, with a single download of OpenWorkspace®.

The Evolution of the Desktop

How today's dominant computing interface developed over time.

collapse arrow

The ‘desktop’ graphical user interface, historically known as the ‘GUI,’ or the ‘desktop GUI’ is one of the most important innovatons in computing.  Having transformed how people interact with computers by replacing command-line (text-based) interfaces with visually intuitive elements like icons, windows, and menus, the GUI remains every bit as foundational to today’s work as it was before the advent of the web, the smartphone, cloud computing, and large language artificial intelligence models. Easy to use and familiar to everyone, the desktop represents a comforting constant in our ever-evolving world of technology.

Complete with its icons, launch bar, and overlapping windows, the desktop’s GUI is so timeless and classic that even at 50 years old, it remains the centerpiece of every desktop operating system today—despite looking and operating much like it did in its original state.  Whether your computer runs Windows, macOS, Chrome OS, or some flavor of Linux, it features the same classic desktop GUI, front and center.

Today, the desktop GUI is ubiquitous. If you’re a PC user, you use the Taskbar to bring Windows into view; if you’re on a Mac, you use the Dock for the same.  Your PC’s desktop icons and widgets look, feel, and act in the same way they do on your friend’s Mac. Application windows are moved and resized in the same way, their title bars spanning across the top, each having the same maximize and minimize buttons in their corners, no matter the system.

  • The Launch Bar.
  • The Desktop Icon.
  • The Overlapping Window.

These are the three essential elements that comprise the computing interface used by over a billion people each day to carry out modern web-based work. And each predates the web, with roots dating as far back as the 1960s.

1960s : The Window and the Mouse

Born on December 9, 1968, on the site of San Fransisco's Bill Graham Civic Auditorium.


The Joint Computer Conference was a summit held twice a year to share the latest advances in computer hardware, programming, and human-computer interaction. 1968’s Fall edition featured a technology demonstration that came to be known as the ‘Mother of all Demos’, because it introduced not one, but a handful of groundbreaking technologies that define how we still work today, 56 years later.

Doug Engelbart was a computer scientist, engineer, and inventor who was presenting years of progress he and his team at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) made on what they called a conceptual framework for augmenting human intellect. 

The concept was that, by using computers, people could enhance the way they processed information, made decisions, and collaborated with others.

The framework was a set of tools that enabled a video display to be used as a communications device, and as a medium for storing and working with traditionally paper-based documentsbut in digital form. It all represented unchartered territory; a mission guided by a vision of a futuristic, interactive display experience for the evolving computer.

The audience was a blend of visionary thinkers, tech enthusiasts, advocates, and practical engineersall part of the broader counterculture movement of the time, united by a shared curiosity about the potential for the evolving computer…and for technology to change the world.

The Mother of all Demos came to do for technology what the following year’s ‘Woodstock’ festival did for music and the arts. Where Woodstock demonstrated the power of music as a unifying force that could transcend cultural boundaries, the Mother of all Demos showed the power of the networked computer as a force that could transcend physical ones. Both were seminal events that defined entire generations by embracing the time’s counterculturist mindset of imagining what was possible.

The Mother of all Demos turned out to be an eerie prophecy of what a typical working session would come to look like. Mere concepts at the time, the technology revealed by Engelbart that day in 1968 make up the most foundational elements of modern desktop computing today.

  • The mouse.
  • The application window.
  • The hotkey.
  • Word processing and Hypertext.
  • The networked computer.
  • The video call.
  • Remote collaboration on the same document.

Englebart drove the entire 90-minute demo with a five-finger keyboard and a curious new pointing device called a ‘mouse’ that flanked a traditional (QWERTY) keyboard.  The mouse was used to select, highlight, move, and draw content on the display (like screen regions, text, and diagram lines). And dragging it around the right side of the ‘lapboard’  hovered over Engelbart’s lap was as intuitive as dragging a stapler across a desk.  The five-finger keyboard on the other end of the lapboard was used for cutting and pasting text selected by the mouse, much like how Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V (or Command+C/Command+V) are used today.

Engelbart's Lapboard

Engelbart’s Lapboard

An overhead view of Engelbart’s lapboard, built into the arm of his chair, with mouse on the right, full keyboard in the center, and five-finger keyboard on the left, used in conjunction with the mouse for navigation purposes.
The first mouse

The First Mouse

A photo showing the prototype of the mouse: a new pointing device having a wooden shell and two metal wheels that could detect movement in two dimensions. Created in 1964 by Douglas Engelbart at the Standford Research Institute (SRI) and introduced during the Mother of all Demos.
Early Sketch of the Mouse

Early Sketch of the Mouse ( Credit: Doug Engelbart/Redux)

An early sketch of the mouse, by Doug Engelbart. Credit: Doug Engelbart/Redux

Each technology was an innovation in its own right, and each complemented a broader computing experience that itself was entirely new, enabled by a computer display that could do so much more than any TV or monitor had done before it.

A standard TV set, modified to work as a computer monitor.

In 1968 the personal computer didn’t exist yet, much less the concept of a display for one. CRT technology was the dominant display tech for the time’s black-and-white and color televisions.

As the standard of that era’s home entertainment, the television set was the most viable option for a computer display.  It had been used a few times prior for purposes other than television: once in 1958 by an American physicist that created one of the earliest video games, and again in 1962 by Ivan Sutherland (a.k.a. the pioneer of computer graphics), who created a program called ‘Sketchpad’ that could be used to draw objects directly onto a CRT display with a ‘light pen’.

But Engelbart’s display was different from the monitors that came before it, in that the content it displayed was graphical, more similar in nature to content that might be shown on a TV, than to the green text typically shown on a computer monitor’s black background.

And with that, the monitor was born.

Engelbart’s modified TV was purpose-built for multi-tasking. And it was an improvement on the TV in that its screen could be split and segmented into regions, each that could show separate content all-at-once, whether related or not.

In the context of computing, splitting the screen enabled two or more distinct tasks at once.  In the context of TV-watching, split-screen hadn’t yet existed—at least not outside of broadcast studios and a few motion pictures where it was used as a film and video technique.

A Split-screen image from Twentieth Century Tramp, 1902, and Dream of a Rarebit Fiend, 1906, Thomas Edison Company, directed by Edwin S. Porter.

By splitting the computer screen into rectangular regions, Engelbart’s team had found a solution for an age-old problem that would become the premise for every major functional improvement to the desktop that followed:

The ‘limited screen real estate’ of a computer’s monitor and the constrained nature of the workspace it provided, relative to that of a traditional desk.

1970s : Xerox PARC and the Desktop Metaphor

How the overlapping window and the desktop icon joined the mouse to complete the desktop metaphor.


Within six months of Engelbart’s demo, Xerox began forming its legendary Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), where the ‘overlapping window’ and the ‘desktop icon’ joined the mouse to make up the classic desktop that characterizes every desktop operating system today.

The ‘Window’

Engelbart’s concept of using a computer-powered display as a multitasking environment gave the computer a purpose at a time when it was up for debate.  And the fact that he, alone, operated the whole experience showed the true potential of the computer as an extension of the individual; an augmentation that could store information on behalf of the user’s human cognition; even a solution for some of office work’s biggest problems at the time, like having to re-type a document because of a typo or change of mind about the order of its content. Much of it—certainly the demo itself—would not have been possible without the screen being segmented as it was.

Following the event, Howard Rheingold, who went on to become a pioneer of the concept of online communities (social networks), wrote in his review of the demo: “The screen could be divided into a number of windows.”

And with that, the window was born.

Soon after, a computer scientist named Alan Kay from the University of Utah expanded Engelbart’s constuct of the window in his 1969 dissertation, describing a graphical ‘object-oriented system’ with ‘viewports’ and ‘windows,’ or visual portholes onto a screen’s displayable area. Kay’s research laid the foundation for ‘Smalltalk’, the first object-oriented programming language and technology that enabled the graphical user interface.


By the early seventies, Kay and Engelbart had joined forces within PARC to form a group of the most highly regarded computer scientists at the time; the mandate being to build the ‘office of the future’.  PARC soon became a treasure trove of the most advanced concepts, methods, and apparatuses in computing.  The pace and significance of PARC’s R&D remains unprecedented, having consisted of numerous inventions that were truly groundbreaking, like the Ethernet, object-oriented programming, the laser printer, and the bitmapped display—to name just a few.


PARC Office

The Wrightian-inspired PARC office, located on Coyote Hill Road in Palo Alto. With open spaces, an emphasis on natural light and open air, and integration with the natural landscape, the building and its site aimed to inspire creativity and foster continuous collaboration.
PARC's Beanbag Meeting Room

PARC’s Beanbag Meeting Room


Genealogy of PARC Technology

A family tree representing PARC’s various research projects, with roots showing the origins of PARC’s founding researchers, heart-encircled carvings for its greatest accomplishments—namely, Ethernet, Object oriented programming, and the Alto—and branches showing where research was commercialized. Credit: IEEE Spectrum.
The ‘Overlapping Window’

While PARC’s work extended beyond the desktop GUI, its advancements in computer graphics were some of its most significant. BitBlting (or, ‘Bit Block Transfer’) was one of many novel software methods that we take for granted today.  Together with ‘clipping’, BitBlting enabled the overlapping window.  By copying rectangular blocks of screen pixels to memory, BitBlting made resizing and dragging windows appear smooth and responsive on the desktop. When combined with ‘clipping’ (e.g., the visible portion of an overlapping window or the windows under it) it ensured that only the the visible parts of any window on the desktop were redrawn.


A Python-based implementation of mapping bits of an image to screen pixels to ‘blit’ (block transfer) a PNG image onto a specific region of the screen (by using ‘Pygame’, a popular toolkit designed for writing video games and handling multimedia tasks).

These very windowing techniques made it possible to move windows around freely on the desktop, stacking them atop one another, like paper on a desk.  And doing so became technologically practical, as an endless number of windows could suddenly be open on the desktop without consuming any more graphical resources than what the few windows in view would require.

And with that, the ‘overlapping window’ was born.

Today, fifty years later, the construct of overlapping windows remains the de-facto windowing concept on the desktop, regardless of operating system.

The ability to overlap windows was a big step forward for the GUI in that it provided a second option (to Engelbart’s tiled window construct) for displaying numerous windows within the confines of the monitor’s limited screen space.  And it completed the desktop metaphor, representing the digital equivalent of a sheet of paper that that could be moved around ones desk and stacked atop others.


An Office in the 1950s

1960s cubicle

A Cubicle in the 1960s


A Working Session in the 1970s


Architectural Work in the 1980s

The ‘Alto’

The first wave of PARC’s research culminated in 1973 with the production of the ‘Alto.’

Though it was never commercialized, the Alto embodied the most cutting-edge technology ever developed for the desktop. It was an innovation in software and hardware, having a desktop GUI and a display that was the ultimate complement to it, with a 8.5 x 11 sized, portrait-oriented form factor that nodded to the printed documents of 1970s office work.


A retrospective desk view of the Alto exhibited at the Computer History Museum.
The Alto showing an initial version of its GUI, made possible by ‘Smalltalk’—a fundamental ‘object oriented’ programming language developed at PARC.
The Alto’s mouse, which allowed for more complex and efficient interaction with the GUI, with three programmable buttons. Credit: Digibarn.

The Alto was the first stand-alone computer built for a single user, the first to feature a high-performance, high-resolution display, and the first to have a graphical user interface.

As the first computer to even remotely look or feel like the real-world desk experience, the Alto was a sensation. Complete with overlapping windows and a mouse, the Alto served as Xerox PARC’s proof of concept for the ‘office of the future’ heading into the 1980s.

1980s : The Bundled System and the Workstation

How the 'desktop workstation' and the 'digital office system' joined the GUI to complete the office of the future.

The ‘Star’

At 1981’s National Computer Conference held at Chicago’s McCormick Place, Xerox introduced its first commercial desktop workstation in the ‘Star’.  Formally known as the ‘Xerox 8010 Information System’, the Star showcased PARC’s progress on the desktop metaphor and its underlying Smalltalk programming language, and ‘Viewpoint’: its graphical environment that became generally known as the ‘graphical user interface’, and metaphorically, as ‘the desktop’.

1981's Xerox Star

1981’s Xerox ‘Star’

A view of ‘Star’, which became the benchmark for what a personal computer should look like and the place it should play in the eighties’ ‘office of the future’.
Xerox Star Ad

Xerox Star Ad

A print ad for the ‘Star,’ formerly known as the ‘Xerox 8010 Information System.’
Star, With Mouse & Keyboard

Star, With Mouse & Keyboard

A front view of the Star, with its two-button mouse that popularized today’s construct of the mouse, where the right-side button is still used on most systems to show context-sensitive (pop-up). The Star’s 2-button Mouse – shown with mouse pad, 1981.
Featuring Overlapping and Tiled Windows

Featuring Overlapping and Tiled Windows

An executive multitasking by using Star’s window tiling and new overlapping windows to create a summary report containing text and images from separate documents. Credit: Xerox/Norm/Digibarn.
National Computer Conference 1981

National Computer Conference, 1981

A view of the exhibit floor of NCC, held at McCormick Place in Chicago.
NCC Program 1981

NCC Program, 1981

The program for the conference where the desktop GUI was first commercialized, with the notable absence of the graphical user interface from scheduled programming for the ‘Computers at Work’ track.

The Star had an immediate, indisputable influence on the design of modern computer systems. It was the first commercially available computer to feature a graphical user interface and the first to ‘integrate’ the essential elements of the digital workstation into a single user-friendly package; advertised as an integrated computer system and consisting of a monitor, a keyboard, and a mouse—all complementary to the GUI that was central to the whole experience.

Promotional Ad for Apple's 'Lisa'

Apple Lisa's ‘Integrated’ Workstation (Credit- Apple)

Apple Mac Studio

Apple's 'Mac Studio' Integrated Workstation (Credit- Apple)

Its desktop GUI was much evolved from the Alto’s, featuring visually detailed ‘desktop icons’ that represented single or grouped tasks.  It introduced the ‘popup menu,’ which gave users more control over the GUI and its programs and file folders. And it established the first ever (UX) ‘design system’, by giving different windows and icons a uniform look and feel and standardizing controls throughout the interface.

The Star's Desktop GUI

The Star’s Desktop GUI

A view of the first commercially available version of the desktop GUI, featuring the ‘desktop icon,’ the ‘overlapping window’, and pop-up menus.
Star Desktop Icons

The Star’s Desktop Icons

The Star's Popup Menus

The Star’s Pop-Up Menus

Overlapping windows on the star

Overlapping Windows on the Star

Soon after its release, the Star inspired an industry-wide convergence on what became the PC’s single dominant user interface in the desktop graphical user interface.

The IBM ‘PC’

A few months following Star’s release, IBM entered the rapidly-evolving microcomputer market, with the ‘IBM PC’ : the first computer marketed as a ‘personal computer’a term coined a decade earlier by Stewart Brand when he covered Xerox PARC for a Rolling Stones feature that shed light on the vision unfolding there, and the potential cultural implications of the Alto.  ‘Personal computer’ described the concept of a microcomputer built for the desk (and intended for a single user)as opposed to IBM’s ‘mainframe’ computer, which was built for the floor (and used by many).

The IBM PC quickly became the industry standard personal computer, thanks to its open architecture, robust software ecosystem, and its 16-bit processor that was more capable of running more than one program at once (compared to earlier successes like the Apple II with its 8-bit processor). IBM’s PC also featured Microsoft’s ‘MS-DOS’ operating system, establishing it, and its ‘BASIC’ programming environment as the standard language that nearly every application developer knew and used, and making Microsoft’s brand synonymous with the term ‘PC’.

While IBM’s PC was a huge commercial success, selling over 750,000 units by 1983, it represented something of a last breath of the text-based user interface of personal computers before the GUI.

Hardware fact sheet
1983 IBM Personal Computer Hardware Fact Sheet Sales Brochure
line of high performance
1983 IBM Personal Computer Hardware Fact Sheet Sales Brochure
display options
1983 IBM Personal Computer Hardware Fact Sheet Sales Brochure
the next step
1983 IBM Personal Computer Hardware Fact Sheet Sales Brochure
1983 IBM Personal Computer Hardware Fact Sheet Sales Brochure
ibm price
March 8, 1983 IBM PC Hardware and Software Price List
ibm price 3
March 8, 1983 IBM PC Hardware and Software Price List
ibm price 2
March 8, 1983 IBM PC Hardware and Software Price List
The Apple ‘Lisa’

1983’s Apple ‘Lisa’ was the next system after the Star to popularize PARC’s graphical user interface and desktop metaphor. The Lisa’s desktop icons could be dragged and dropped (like, onto another location of the desktop or into a waste basket). And it added the now-ubiquitous ‘maximize’ button to its application windows, enabling users to focus on single tasks without the distraction of other open windows.

Priced at $9,995.00, the Lisa targeted the midmarket between the exorbitantly priced Xerox Star ($16,595.00) and IBM’s affordable, market-dominant ‘IBM PC’ (~$3,000.00 base price, before add-ons).

IBM PC and Lisa (1)

IBM PC and Lisa

A view of 1981’s ‘IBM PC’ (left) and 1983’s Apple ‘Lisa’ (right).


An initial print ad for the ‘Personal Computer’
IBM PC Ad Featuring Charlie Chaplain

IBM PC Ad Featuring Charlie Chaplain

One of many IBM PC ads featuring a character inspired by Charlie Chaplin's iconic "Little Tramp" persona, intended to humanize the IBM PC, and make it appear as friendly, accessible, and easy to use for the public.


A print ad promoting IBM’s “PC Junior,” IBM’s 1984 attempt to enter the home computer market.
Apple Welcomes IBM

Apple Welcomes IBM

A full page ad in the Wallstreet Journal, by Apple, welcoming IBM (the most valuable company in the world at the time) as a new competitor in the personal computing market.
Ads for IBM PC & Lisa

Ads for IBM PC & Lisa

A print ad for the IBM PC (left), and one from Apple (right) that intended to distinguish the Lisa from the IBM PC by featuring its far-advanced bitmapped display and graphical user interface.

Meanwhile, other industry participants pushed the digital workstation forward.  Sun Microsystems created high-performance workstations that had faster processors, more memory, and more storage—all while featuring the latest networking capabilities.

Apple, Commodore, Lisp, and Microsoft added their own renditions of Star’s desktop GUI, applying their own theming to the desktop’s overlapping windows, icons, and popup menus.

By 1984, the Lisa had evolved into the ‘Macintosh’. ‘Mac’ carried on many of the software and hardware qualities of the Star, but at the accessible price of $2,495.00.  The Mac became the next integrated (hardware + software) solution to come after the Star, adopting Xerox’s closed (proprietary) business model, and differenting itself from the open systems of competitors like IBM and Sun.


1984 Macintosh (Credit- Apple)

Early Apple Mouse Ad

Early Apple Mouse Ad (Credit- Apple)

macOS' original 'Finder', 1984

macOS’ ‘System 1’ (original) ‘Finder’,1984 (Credit- Apple)

Source: Version Museum
mac 1984 ad

Mac 1984 Ad (Credit- Apple)

The Commodore ‘Amiga’

By 1985 PC ownership had grown 30-fold from the decade’s start. Systems like Commodore’s Amiga 1000 pushed graphics forward with custom chipsets and drivers. Its keyboard driver could handle key events on behalf of its OS, enabling sophisticated keyboard shortcuts and custom key mapping: capabilities that were far-advanced at the time, yet became a fixture of today’s keyboard-driven desktop experience.

Amiga Personal Computer Introduction

Amiga Personal Computer Introduction, 1984

A document describing the Amiga Personal Computer, which debuted at the 1984 Consumer Electronics Show held in Chicago.
Amiga Ad, 1985

Amiga Ad, 1985

A print advertisement for the Amiga 1000, which featured advanced graphics and sound capabilities, a custom chipset, and a multitasking operating system, AmigaOS.
Amiga 500

Amiga 500, 1987

A photo of the Amiga ‘500’, which became Amiga’s most popular model, known for its gaming capabilities and multimedia performance.
Amiga 2000 'Desktop Presentation System', 1988

Amiga 2000 ‘Desktop Presentation System’, 1988

An ad for the Amiga 2000, targeting the professional market and highlighting the Amiga 2000’s expandability options suitable for video production, graphic design, and desktop publishing.
AmigaOS Color Configuration

AmigaOS Color Configuration

AmigaOS Mouse Control

AmigaOS Mouse Control

Amiga Device Control

Amiga Device Control

Amiga Key Mapping

Amiga Key Mapping

Windows 1.0 and ‘Alt+Tab’

1985 brought the inaugural release of the ‘Windows’ operating system.  ‘Windows 1.0’ expanded on the Amiga’s keyboard-driven navigation with ‘Alt+Tab.’ Alt+Tab was particularly clever in that it leveraged the user’s muscle memory of the keyboard to enable ‘window switching’ (a new concept at the time).

In 1987, ‘Windows 3.1’ evolved Alt+Tab by adding each window’s icon to its name and moving the feedback from the bottom-left to the center of the screen.

Alt+Tab Windows 1

Alt+Tab Windows 1

Alt+Tab Windows 2

Alt+Tab Windows 2

Alt+Tab Windows 3

Alt+Tab Windows 3

Alt+Tab Windows 95

Alt+Tab Windows 95

Alt+Tab Windows XP

Alt+Tab Windows XP

Alt+Tab Windows Vista

Alt+Tab Windows Vista

Alt+Tab Windows 7

Alt+Tab Windows 7

Alt+Tab Windows 8

Alt+Tab Windows 8

Alt+Tab Windows 10

Alt+Tab Windows 10

Alt+Tab Windows 11

Alt+Tab Windows 11 (Credit: Microsoft)

Alt+Tab Linux Fedora

Alt+Tab Linux Fedora

Alt+Tab Linux Debian

Alt+Tab Linux Debian

Alt+Tab Linux KDE Plasma

Alt+Tab Linux KDE Plasma

Alt+Tab Linux Ubuntu

Alt+Tab Linux Ubuntu

By the decade’s end, the once brilliant Xerox Star had flickered out under the weight of market forces brought on by the successors it inspired. Despite its limited commercial success, the ideas and technologies the Star introduced scattered across the tech landscape like the remnants of a supernova, finding new life in the hands of its designers and engineers who had moved on to other companies, carrying its torch forward, and seeding innovation within developing companies that were much better positioned to lead the commercial landsape of the 90s, like Apple and Microsoft.

1990s : The Taskbar and the Dock

How the launch bar advanced the desktop environment.


In 1992, Microsoft began developing a hybrid 16/32-bit system codenamed ‘Chicago’ that would showcase the significant progress it made toward integrated networking and file management (with Windows NT) and toward 3D graphics (with DirectX). DirectX provided a standardized set of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that allowed developers to access low-level hardware functions (such as graphics, sound, and input) directly from Windows, transforming Windows into a serious gaming platform while having a lasting impact on the development of PC hardware and the gaming industry as a whole.

Three years later, the system was released as ‘Windows 95’. Complete with the newly-minted internet browser and the biggest update to the Office tools in years, Windows 95 was an instant success. Within just two years of its release, it had already captured over half of the PC operating system market, and by the end of the decade it had compelled a 6-fold increase in PC ownership. To this day, Windows 95 is considered one of, if not the most successful operating system releases of all time.

Windows 95 Ad

Print Advertisement for Windows 95, 1995 (Credit- Microsoft).

“Microsoft Windows 95. More Power, More Freedom, More Fun.” Microsoft Corporation.
Windows95 Desktop

Windows 95 Desktop

The Windows 95 desktop GUI, with its Taskbar, Start Menu, and iconic teal background.
Print Ad Windows95_

Tested & Polished (Credit- Microsoft)

Print advertisement for Windows 95, 1995. Microsoft Corporation.
Chicago Boot Screen

‘Chicago’ Boot Screen

A boot screen of a preview release of Windows 95, codenamed ‘Chicago'.

Aside from providing access to the internet, updated productivity tools, and advancing gaming, Windows 95 contributed to the evolution of the desktop GUI with its ‘Taskbar’, which featured an all-new ‘Start Menu’ that slid out to serve up app icons on a platter of sorts. But in the construct of the GUI, the Taskbar’s crowning achievement wasn’t its Start Menu. It was its ‘Taskbar buttons’ that enabled users to summon minimized or overlapping windows to the top of the desktop with a single click.

Taskbar of Windows 95

Taskbar of Windows 95

Taskbar of Windows XP

Taskbar of Windows XP

Taskbar of Windows Vista

Taskbar of Windows Vista

Taskbar of Windows 7

Taskbar of Windows 7

Taskbar of Windows 10

Taskbar of Windows 10

Configuring Taskbar Buttons on Windows 10

Configuring Taskbar Buttons on Windows 10.

Taskbar of Windows 11

Taskbar of Windows 11 (Credit- Microsoft)

Years later,  Apple’s keystone ‘Mac OS X’ release featured a ‘Dock’ that was positioned in the same location and served the same purpose as the Windows Taskbar.  And where Windows employed ‘Alt+Tab’ to summon an overview of open windows in the form of thumbnail images, Mac OS X followed suit with ‘Command+Tab’, to access a similarly-arranged desktop overview.

Expose on Mac OS X Lion

Expose on Mac OS X ‘Lion’ (Credit- Apple)

Initial Version of macOS 'Spaces', 2007

Initial Version of macOS’ ‘Spaces’, 2007 (Credit- Apple)

Early Version of macOS's Dashboard

Early version of macOS’ ‘Dashboard’ (Credit- Apple)

Spaces Combined with Expose to Form 'Mission Control'

Spaces Combined with Expose to Form Mission Control (Credit- Apple)

Mission Control on macOS Sonoma

Mission Control on macOS Sonoma (Credit- Apple)

By the turn of the millenium, the construct of a launch bar that spanned the bottom edge of the desktop and a keystroke-driven desktop overview had officially joined the ranks of the ‘overlapping window’ and the ‘desktop icon’ as ubiquitous elements of the desktop.

Early 2000's : On the Verge of Progress

How research into advancing productivity got off course.


The early 2000’s represented the last bastion of effort toward progressing the desktop workstation.  Explorations and research into advancing productivity on the desktop largely focused on screen management (e.g., windowing and navigating the desktop environment) and information management (e.g., managing and navigating tasks often consisting of disparate information).

The objective was to streamline knowledge work that involved an ever-growing amount of information.  Though much of the work was abandoned with the industry shifting focus to the emergence of mobile and cloud computing, nearly all of the key findings and hypotheses have proven true in the time since with, with multiple monitors having become the best-practice for screen management and API-based integration representing the best attempt at task management.

Screen Management

Much of the research into screen management aimed to quantify the benefits of using more than one monitor, or even using prototype large-format displays bearing a closer resemblance to office desks.  Researchers extended existing methods like PARC’s Keystroke-Level Model (KLM) in an effort to measure time-on-task across various windowing strategies, display arrangements, and ergonomic environments. And theoretical concepts explored all-new input modalities for window management, like the gesture-based system John Underkoffer imagined in The Minority Report.

Task Management

Much of the research of that time drew a clear distinction between application-based navigation and task-based navigation of the user experience.  The concepts of ‘task-centric computing’ and ‘application-centric computing’ became understood as much of the research proposed a user experience centered on tasks or activities as a silver bullet that could resolve cognitive load and streamline the intensive window management required by application-centric systems like Windows and macOS as the digital information landscape evolved.

Upwards of fifty different proprietary systems were developed through research into the concept of task/activity/process-centric computing (TAP-centric, for the sake of simplicity).  Among them, common features included grouping windows and documents by task, and displaying visual cues for a window’s last activityall in the name of improving the organization and display of an ever-growing volume of information.

The philosophy was that instead of centering navigation on individual apps/files/documents/tabs, navigation could be centered on groups of windows that could be contained in separate ‘desktops’ or ‘workspaces’.  The central idea being, that navigating between collections of resources (rather than between individual resources) would drastically reduce the amount of time and cognition spent on managing information.

And the reasoning was sound. Computing was, by nature, objective-based and not ‘application-based’. Launching a program or logging into some single web app was never the end goal; It was only a means to the end goal, which was always to complete some routine task or more extensive business process. Research at the time found that completing single tasks required the simultaneous use of seven different applications (on average). The culmination of research highlighted the multitasking demands and cognitive load placed on users in digital work environments, emphasizing the need for streamlined environments to support efficient task completion.

Looking back, two common threads underlied much of the research findings: task-based computing, and more screen space.  And yet, the finished commercial operating systems that followed featured shinier, but less practical concepts than reorganizing the navigational experience or finding a new way to expand the desktop.

Animating icons intended to make the desktop feel more dynamic.  And animating windows made clicking on an app in the Dock feel like opening a bag of goodies.

Linux’s ‘Compiz’ window manager featured a fascinating desktop cube that presented the desktop in a rotatable 3D form, but like many of today’s spatial computing concepts, it was too big of a leap (and too big of an ask) to be adopted by users whose muscle memory was long-engrained in the 2D interface going back to the years of the flat, paper-based office work carried out on traditional office desks.


Windows XP introduced a more polished, intuitive, and visually appealing user interface, featuring a distinctive green Start button and blue Taskbar. It made navigation easier, and even explored the potential of semi-transparent windows as a way to make overlapping windows more intuitive.

Window Snapping & Screen Management

One new feature that was widely adopted was the ability to ‘snap’ windows to the edge of the screen to split the desktop into halves, thirds, or quarters.  Windows 7 popularized window snapping, following up on earlier implementations from tiling window managers like ‘xmonad’ (April 2007), ‘Awesome’ (September 2007), and ‘i3’ (March 2009).

The ability to snap windows to split the screen into a form that resembled a cut-up sheet of brownies was, in essence, a modernized version of Engelbart’s tiled windows.  For good reason, it became a ubiquitious feature that is still well in place today across systems and workflows.

Windows 10 snap assist

Window Snapping on Windows 10

Windows 11 snap assist

Window Snapping on Windows 11

Window tiling on macOS Sonoma

Window Snapping on macOS Sonoma

xmonad Tiling Window Manager on Linux Ubuntu

‘Xmonad’ Tiling Window Manager on Linux Ubuntu

Awesome Window Manager on KDE

‘Awesome’ Window Manager for Linux

i3 Tiling Window Manager on Ubuntu

‘I3’ Tiling Window Manager on Linux Ubuntu

PopShell Tiling Window Manager for Linux Gnome

‘PopShell’ Tiling Window Manager for Linux Gnome

While the pace had clearly slowed since the early days, it still represented progress on the desktop GUI.

But then, sometime around 2009 everything changed, as the industry’s attention shifted from the workstation to something new and exciting in the emergence of mobile computing.

The Age of Apps

The iPhone had crossed the chasm. Incumbents not limited to Apple converged on the potential of its ‘Home’ screen and the opportunity for its ‘App Store’ to become the digital equivalent of the Swiss Army knife.  Soon there was a separate app for every task, activity, and flavor of coffee one could imagine.   Then there were 5, 10, 20 apps for each. By 2012, over 500,000 ‘apps’ were available via the iPhone and Apple was offering one lucky customer the chance to win a $10,000 App Store gift card by making the 25 billionth app download.

There's an app for that

iPhone Ad. (Credit- Apple)

Got Apps

App Store Ad. (Credit- Apple)

App Store ad

App Store Ad. (Credit- Apple)

2012 App Store home page

App Store Ad. (Credit- Apple)

Google’s Android Market followed closely with more than ten billion downloads. The act of using separate apps specialized for each task or activity eventually made its way onto the desktop through the web browser, where web apps had already gained traction with the rise of Gmail, Google Maps, and social media platforms.

Early Version of Google Maps

An Early Version of Google Maps, Powered by MapQuest, 2004

Initial version of Gmail

The Initial Version of Gmail

Friendster, 2002

Friendster, 2002

MySpace, 2003

MySpace, 2003

Facebook, 2004

Facebook, 2004

In 2013, Microsoft released Office 365, with web-based versions of the Office apps, as an alternative to downloadable versions.  Other apps followed suit, the common vision being of the web browser as a gateway to millions of single-purpose apps and services.

In no time, users were tasked with managing duplicate versions of single apps, along with a new abundance windows and tabs introduced by the web browser. Decades of progress toward advancing productivity at the desktop had gotten off course, and just like that, through no fault of its own, the desktop became ‘application-centric’.

The State of the Art Since 2010

How innovation on the desktop GUI ran its course.


Sometime after the release of Windows 7, the desktop seemed to have reached the moment Alan Kay referred to years earlier when he famously asked, “What will Silicon Valley do once it runs out of Doug’s (Engelbart’s) ideas?”

Today, that question can be answered by recounting the last fifteen years of the desktop.  As it turned out, the industry ran out of ideas for the desktop, lost interest in it, or some combination of the two.

In the time since, major releases have featured changes more cosmetic than functional, in nature.  Home screens and pop-up menus got reorganized.  Design systems got polished, a few times over (e.g., the look and feel of GUI controls and ‘window chrome’). Windows and controls look much better today than they did back then, but function as they always have.

Microsoft's New Fluid Design System

Windows' 'Fluent' Design System (Credit- Microsoft)

Featured Applications

Today, new applications—some revolutionary in their right—are presented as defining features of major releases of new operating system versions, featured as central elements of the system and embedded in the Taskbar, or even in the desktop itself.

Featuring Teams on Windows 11

Featuring Teams on Windows 11 (Credit- Microsoft)

Featuring Copilot on Windows 11

Featuring Copilot on Windows 11 (Credit- Microsoft)

The Copilot Sidebar on Windows 11

The Copilot Sidebar on Windows 11 (Credit- Microsoft)

Featuring the Bing search bar on Windows 11

Featuring the Bing Search Bar on Windows 11 (Credit- Microsoft)

App Store Windows 11

The Revamped App Store on Windows 11 (Credit- Microsoft)

Recall carousela

Recall’s Window Carousel (Credit- Microsoft)

Facetime handoff ventura

Facetime Handoff on macOS Ventura (Credit- Apple)

Live Wallpaper on macOS Sonoma

Live Wallpaper on macOS Sonoma (Credit- Apple)

‘Snap Groups’ on Windows 11 extended the functionality of window snapping by enabling users to open apps in clusterred brownie-sheet layouts from the Taskbar.

Windows 11 snap groups

'Snap Groups' on Windows 11 (Credit- Apple)

Stage Manager macOS Ventura

'Stage Manager' on macOS Ventura (Credit- Apple)

Apple made big strides in ‘continuity’, in the context of extending macOS’s design system and some of its elements (like, widgets) for use across ecosystem devices like iPads, iPhones, and even corded VR goggles.


Continuity Across macoS Monterey and iOS

Continuity Across macOS Monterey and iOS (Credit- Apple)

Widget Continuity Across macOS and iOS

Widget Continuity Across macOS and iOS (Credit- Apple)

Widgets on macOS Sonoma

Widgets on macOS Sonoma (Credit- Apple)

Widgets on Windows 11

Widgets on Windows 11 (Credit- Microsoft)

Widgets Blanketing the macOS Sonoma Desktop

Widgets Blanketing the macOS Sonoma Desktop (Credit- Microsoft)

Widgets Blanketing the Windows 11 Desktop

Widgets Blanketing the Windows 11 Desktop (Credit- Microsoft)

Immersive Spatial Computing

In recent years, augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR) and virtual reality (VR) have introduced us to all new ways of experiencing the classic desktop.

Today’s glasses and headsets feature the biggest advancements in control and display technology in decades, if not ever (at least in the context of personal computing).  The ability to focus on an icon or window just by gazing at it (then to select it with the pinch of a finger) is a truly impressive technological feat, but also bittersweet, in that it would all seem so much more natural had the mouse not existed first.

In theory, the idea of a purely natural, gesture-based computing experience (popularly known as ‘spatial computing’) is fascinating. The concept itself has been rebranded many times over, from the science fiction movies that got us thinking about how physical controls and displays might be replaced someday, to the cutting-edge headset products we have today.

Johnny mneumonic 1995

Johnny Mneumonic (1995)

Minority Report 2002

Minority Report (2002)

Avatar 2009 - Image 20th Century Fox

Avatar (2009)

The Avengers 2012

The Avengers (2012)

Ender's game- 2013

Ender's Game (2013)

ready player one 2018

Ready Player One (2018)

While the immersive, gesture-based computing experience works well with applications that are inherently 3D (e.g., with modeling software), users are no closer to adopting it as a compelling alternative for two-dimensional work than they were when VR headsets first came on the scene years ago.


Emerging research is beginning to shed light on why users haven’t yet adopted AR or VR for work, conclusively showing that users perform significantly better with a standard desktop setup (a real monitor controlled with the tactile mouse and keyboard) than with any immersive/3D implementation of it (glasses or headsets controlled with non-tactile, insensible wands and gestures).

The Latest Findings, from 2024’s ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.

This year’s SIG CHI conference (Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction) featured various research validating earlier findings that users reacted significantly faster (and fixated on objects for less time) on the classic desktop than on the virtual/3D one.

Interestingly, one study compared the effects of the 3D immersive desktop and the classic 2D desktop across three different fields of view, finding that users took twice as long to complete the overall task in the immersive VR environment than with a real monitor and mouse.

Specifically, users completed tasks significantly faster and with fewer errors on the standard mouse-driven desktop setup.  Users took significantly longer to recall information (from human memory) while in the immersive experience of the head-mounted display (HMD). They also fixated (or ‘dwelled) on objects for a significantly longer duration of time with the HMD, disrupting task flow and causing significantly longer selection times (Kargut, Gutwin, and Cockburn 2024).

Other research presented at the same conference found more of the same. One study found that desktop-based environments often required less cognitive effort than VR-based ones, offering a simpler, more focused interface that was beneficial for tasks requiring precision and minimal distractions (F. Steinicke 2024).

Another study found that AR (glasses-based) environments performed no better (and sometimes worse) than VR ones. It found that participants in AR environments reported being more affected by real-world distractions, while VR environments offered a more focused, enclosed experience, leading to different user engagement levels​ (Yan 2024).

A different study offered a potential solution for the performance problem in immersive environments. Ironically, it proposed a way for users to quickly ‘peek’ at the traditional 2D desktop view without fully exiting their VR environment.  It concluded that peeking at the real desktop while immersed in VR was, in fact, useful in professional or multi-tasking scenarios, where quick access to non-immersive (2D) content (like documents or emails) was necessary while continuing to operate in a VR space (Wentzel, et al., 2024).

As fascinating as the idea is, using head-worn devices and natural gesturing for inherently two-dimensional work is not a compelling alternative to what we have today with the classic desktop.

Those users interested in exploring head-mounted devices as an alternative to the existing desktop experience will have to first overcome the performance problems highlighted by the emerging research, or accept them as a sunk cost of day-to-day work: where the stakes are high to begin with. Then, new hardware must be purchased, the look and feel of a whole new operating system must be learned and adopted, and a headset (at worst) or a pair of glasses (at best) must be worn.

Taking into account the SIG CHI research presented in May, and the lack of adoption of various new, cutting-edge control methods, today we can say with near certainty that the mouse, keyboard, and two-dimensional desktop still rule supreme at the desktop.

Bridging the Gap with Multiple Monitors

How users weathered the dry spell of innovation on the desktop.

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Over the past 15 years consumer technology has focused on mobile computing, and enterprise on the cloud. All the while, something of a cultural phenomenon has taken place at the edge,  where users have taken more interest in the desktop experience than they have in decades, with the proliferation of hybrid- and remote working.  From streamlining workflows on the desktop with project management apps, collaboration platforms, and note-taking applications, to personalizing the space surrounding it with ergonomic chairs, laptop risers, and even a whole new type of (standing) desk, more than ever before, users regard the desktop as the essential computing medium for professional development and success in the workplace.

With the proliferation of cloud computing came the era of ‘digital transformation’.  In 2009 there was 25,000 times more information available worldwide as there was when the Xerox Star introduced the desktop GUI decades prior in 1981. By 2014 there was over 375,000 times as much information as that available in 1981 (today’s workers have 8 million times as much information at their disposal).

Throughout the digital transformation, just about every piece of information that was not yet digital, became digital.  The global information landscape underwent its biggest transformation of all time, with the volume of new information produced in the form of digital web pages and apps dwarfing that of every major paradigm shift of the information landscape that preceded it.

Workers across industries needed an expansive view of information more than ever before, but the desktop remained relatively unchanged since it added the Taskbar and Dock.

With no better options, users turned to a practical, quick and dirty solution, in spanning the desktop across multiple monitors.

The Multi-Monitor Phenomenon

How the use of multiple monitors became the de-facto best practice at the desktop.


Although Windows supported multiple monitors since 1998, the practice remained niche, mainly in industries that went digital years ahead of traditional industries, like in financial markets, where never-ending streams of information required constant observability across Bloomberg terminals and custom multi-monitor arrays that spanned entire walls, in the most extreme cases.

Bloomberg ad
Bloomberg Ad, circa 2000. Credit- Bloomberg.
Bloomberg terminal ad
Bloomberg Terminal, as advertised. Credit- Bloomberg.
A Bloomberg Terminal
Bloomberg Terminal, in practice
Bloomberg software as a service
Bloomberg software as a service (SaaS), shown on an array of non-Bloomberg monitors
A home office, Bloomberg-inspired multi-monitor setup used for trading.

Today, hundreds of millions of active users of the desktop, across industries, have cobbled monitors together like telephone tables to form a virtual desktop closer in size to that of an office desk.

Just as Engelbart did with tiled windows, PARC did with overlapping windows, and Windows and Mac did with the Taskbar and the Dock, users found their own way to expand the desktop, with multiple monitors.

80s multimon setup

Using Dual Monitors at Work in the 1970's

Office Multimonitor Setup circa 2000

Using Dual Monitors at Home, circa 2000

Home Office Multimonitor Setup, circa 2015

Using Dual Monitors at Home, circa 2015

Gaming multimonitor setup, circa 2020

Using Dual Monitors for Working and Gaming, circa 2020

Established research from Steelcase, Dell, and numerous institutions validated the practice, with controlled studies finding that the use of multiple monitors enabled significantly faster task completion, reduced errors, and relieved users of cognitive load.

DSharp A Widescreen Multiprojector Display

DSharp : A Widescreen Multiprojector Display, circa 2003

A prototype display used for research, having a displayable area of 3072 x 768 pixels.
Researching preferences for screen arrangements

Researching Preferences for Screen Arrangements

A diagram classifying screen arrangements, used for a research study measuring user preference across various multi-monitor arrangements.

With a proof of concept in financial markets and plenty of research validating its benefits, the use of multiple monitors has grown steadily, proliferating in 2020 as late adopters got on board. By 2021, working on more than one monitor became the advertised best practice.

Multimon Monterey

Monterey Multimon (Credit: Apple)

Multimon Big Sur

Windows 11 Multimon (Credit: Apple)

Multimon Ventura

Ventura Multimon (Credit: Apple)

Multimon Sonoma

Sonoma Multimon (Credit: Apple)

Dell ad

Dell Advertisement (Credit: Dell)

Apple 'Mac Studio Advertisement

Apple Mac Studio Advertisement (Credit: Apple)

For better or worse, the use of multiple monitors is, at its core, a user-implemented, do-it-yourself solution for resolving two interdependent constraints on the desktop experience:

  1. The limited screen real-estate of the traditional computer monitor.
  2. The classic desktop GUI’s lack of fit for anything much larger than it.

Whether you consider multiple monitors a clever hack or the end-all solution for the desk, one thing is for certain:

PARC designed today’s desktop GUI fifty years ago, to fit the traditionally small (640×480) computer monitor.

The typical monitor today is substantially larger than it was when the GUI was designed, and all signs point to monitors continuing to grow in size.  Today, many monitors provide four times the screen real estate of the traditional ‘1080p’ monitor that became the standard 15 years ago, and more than five times the screen real estate afforded by the Alto and the other early monitors for which the GUI was designed.

Yet, despite those benefits, users considering a transition into a single (new) monitor find themselves in a quandary, in that when one abandons a multi-monitor setup, they lose the means to organize and group windows on different monitors, along with the familiar feel of dragging a window from one monitor and snapping it to another.

OpenWorkspace® solves this problem, and a host of others, by enabling the classic desktop to be segmented into a focal region and a contextual region, expanding on the multiple monitor experience and adapting it for today’s larger-format monitors.

Taking the Next Step with the Focal Region

How OpenWorkspace® fundamentally advances the desktop.

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Ever since its inception in 1973, the desktop GUI has consisted of a single region, in that windowing has always taken place on the same single layerwhether overlapping or tiled.  Every single commercial desktop operating system today employs this classic single-region implentation of the desktop GUI.  The ability to categorize windows and tabs as primary or secondary to the active task shown on the desktop has curiously yet to exist.

OpenWorkspace® extends the desktop metaphor by introducing a novel expansion of PARC’s classic desktop GUI, partitioning its single-region into two: a primary region and a secondary one.

Get to Know the Focal Contextual Desktop

How to work with panels, thumbnail image shortcuts, and background lighting.


Intro and how-to video coming soon to the @OpenWorkspaceOfficial YouTube Channel.

The Focal Region and its Many Affordances

How the focal region adapts the classic GUI to today's larger desktops, while solving long-standing problems with screen management.


Window frames that form a ‘focal region’ of the desktop.

OpenWorkspace® introduces a fundamentally new element to the desktop GUI with ‘panels’.  Panels are window frames into which primary, high-touch windows and tabs can be snapped. Two or more panels may be joined together to form a centrally-positioned focal region of the desktop, flexing to the user’s unique ergonomics and freeing the user from being locked into a fixed position for hours on end with multiple monitors.

Tailored to match the specific content structure of individual applications and web pages.

Panels may be sized to the user’s liking, to best serve the layout of content within particular application windows (e.g., taller and narrower for social media feeds or chat windows, wider for spreadsheets, portrait-sized for documents, or expansive for media experiences).

Positioned optimally for a particular task, topic, or activity.

Panels may be positioned anywhere on the desktop, whether the desktop spans multiple monitors or is encompassed by a single external monitor.

A new, visual hierarchical construct for organizing windows and tabs on the desktop.

Panels provide an additional level of hierarchy for organizing windows and tabs into a spatially familiar arrangement on the desktop. High-touch/primary windows and tabs that are critical to the task-at-hand can be held in panels, with low-touch/secondary windows, tabs, or thumbnail image shortcuts placed nearby within arm’s reach in the surrounding area.

Extending the multiple monitor experience, without breaking its unique heuristics.

Panels are analagous to physical monitors, in that each panel contains a ‘panel tray’ that looks, feels, and functions like the desktop’s Taskbar or Dock, providing the same spatial computing arrangement and functionality as a multiple monitor setup  As such, panels enable a seamless transition into today’s larger plug-and-play displays—all without breaking the interactions familiar to the multi-monitor experience (e.g., maximizing windows to full-screen or minimizing them to the bar spanning the bottom of the monitor, moving a window from one monitor and snapping it into another, the joined nature of monitors and their central positioning in front of the user).

Solving for overlapping windows.

Panels act as guardrails of sorts, setting tiled window layouts in place while preventing windows from overlapping within the focal region.

With panels, ‘overlapping windows’ becomes something the user does intentionally in the periphery, rather than something unfortunate that happens accidentally and continuously across the entire desktop, over the course of the entire day.

The Contextual Region and its Broader View

How the contextual region expands the desktop.

Where secondary, contextual information can be placed within view and at arm’s reach.

With the new focal region comes the background space surrounding it: a second, all-new, expansive region of the desktop, where tabs and windows that are secondary or contextual to the task-at-hand can be placed within view and visually identified.

Windows, tabs, files, and documents can be placed in the background in their original form or in the form of a thumbnail image shortcut.

The classic desktop in the background…

The background area surrounding the focal region is effectively the native desktop in its current form, functioning just as it does without OpenWorkspace® on the system.  Windows, tabs, files, and documents placed in the background can be resized, repositioned, overlapped, cascaded, maximized, or minimized to the Taskbar, just as they can on the classic desktop today.

…now featuring all-new thumbnail image shortcuts to windows, tabs, files, or documents.

Windows, tabs, files, and documents can also be represented in image form, as thumbnail-sized shortcuts that function much like desktop icons but spawn single tabs and windows (rather than entire programs or applications).

Thumbnail image shortcuts can be dragged and snapped into panels, or repositoned anywhere within the region that surrounds panels.  Browser tabs can be fanned out in thumbnail image form instead of stacked in a single browser window.

Shrinking windows to expand the desktop.

Thumbnail image shortcuts make better use of limited screen real-estate while serving the same purpose as overlapping windows that might only be open to serve as visual reminders.

Inspired by the natural workflow at the desk.

Users rotate tabs, app windows, files, and documents, into and out of panels emulating the natural way of working on a physical desk surface, where high-touch paper documents are positoned centrally, while secondary documents or tools (like staplers or calculators, for example) are placed in the periphery, and pulled into focus when needed. This natural workflow enables a continuous circulation of information into and out of focus, emulating the nature of how we as humans visually perceive information focally, and contextually, in the real world

Defocusing the background.

The background surrounding the focal region may be defocused (e.g., dimmed) to reflect a desired degree of contrast between a task’s primary, high-touch windows and its secondary ones, or it may be blacked-out altogether to support deep, focused work, or to recreate today’s multi-monitor experience on larger screens.

OpenWorkspace® Compatability

The freedom to pursue the peak desktop experience® on your own terms.

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OpenWorkspace® couples with your existing operating system to advance its native desktop and windowing capabilities without disrupting its unique user experience, so that you can continue to work as you do today on your existing system.

Its compatability model centers on ‘bringing your own’  monitor(s), computer, and control devices; its hardware requirements limited only by use of a Windows operating system.

PC Compatability

The power to upgrade systems new and old, with a single download.


Today, OpenWorkspace® is compatable with devices running Windows 10 or Windows 11, from entry-level or mid-range PC’s running 3- or 5-series CPUs to high-end laptops and workstations running 7- or 9-series CPUs and higher.

Recommended Hardware Requirements (for optimal performance)

  • OS: Microsoft Windows 10 or 11 (64 bit)
  • CPU: Intel 8th generation processors (Intel i3/i5/i7/i9-7x), Core M3-7xxx , Xeon E3-xxxx, and Xeon E5-xxxx processors, AMD 8th generation processors (A Series Ax-9xxx, E-Series Ex-9xxx, FX-9xxx) or ARM64 processors (Snapdragon SDM850 or later).
  • RAM: 16 GB or more
  • GPU: DirectX 9 or later
  • Disk: More than 5GB free space

Display Compatability

The versatility to enhance any practical monitor arrangement.


OpenWorkspace’s Focal Contextual GUI flexes to any practical monitor arrangement, whether made up of one or more monitors, a laptop screen, or some combination thereof.  Its utility is greatest when paired with relatively larger monitors having enough screen resolution (or ‘screen real-estate’) to support tiling two or more windows across the desktop in a non-overlapping fashion.

Recommended Display Requirements (for optimal experience with the Focal Contextual GUI)

  • Screen resolution: 2560 x 1440p or higher.
  • Refresh rate: 60 fps (frames per second) or higher.
  • Physical dimensions: 27-inches or more.
  • Orientation: Landscape or portrait.
  • Input: A single HDMI, USB-C, or DisplayPort input.

Users of multiple monitors considering a transition into a single larger external monitor can do so seamlessly by pairing OpenWorkspace® with one of many fantastic monitor options from the likes of Dell, HP, LG, and Samsung (to name a few)—all while gaining an all-new, expansive background region.  And for those who elect to stay put for now, tomorrow may bring all new monitor options designed specifically for the evolving home office.

Input Device Compatability

The flexibility to bring your own controls.


As a natural extension of the Windows operating system, OpenWorkspace’s Focal Contextual™ GUI can be operated with any input device that works with your PC (e.g., by mouse and keyboard, by touch-screen, and by peripheral usb devices like programmable keypads, for example).

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