Introducing OpenWorkspace®

Part II : Automating the Desktop
Introducing OpenWorkspace® :Part II : Automating the Desktop
OVERVIEW contents
  1. Today’s desktop operating systems task the user with the job of information management. Recalling and locating windows and tabs required for a given task or topic requires human memory, and fetching everything by hand involves intensive eye scanning and use of the mouse and keyboard.
  2. The desktop has always worked like this, in that managing and arranging windows and tabs has never been something the system does automatically, and has always been something the user does manually.
  3. During the early 2010s digital transformation, the volume of information grew tremendously, significantly increasing the role of window, tab, and overall information management in daily work. Today, users navigate 120 times more websites, 50 times more web apps, and 10 times more desktop apps compared to 2000.
  4. As far back as 2018, many users were already spending as much as a third of the workday locating and fetching information.
  5. Due to the high cost of time and the mental effort involved, users today seldomly close windows and tabs, causing one of the most pressing unsolved problems with today’s work, in ‘tab hoarding’.
  6. Keeping every window and tab open clutters the desktop. Combined with the manual nature of managing them, this makes ‘getting to work’—finding the necessary information—demand excessive effort and mental focus.
  7. OpenWorkspace® automates the desktop by enabling the system to restore specific user-configured desktop configurations (‘workspaces’) on-demand with a single click or keystroke.
  8. Knowledge workers, creative pros, and students use OpenWorkspace® to arrange work tasks and web activities into a collection of workspaces that can be browsed, keyword-searched, or navigated in sequence with fwd/back controls. Switching contexts between layouts of windows and tabs (enabled by ‘workspaces’), rather than between individual windows and tabs (required by the native desktop) drastically reduces the amount of thinking, scanning, pointing, and clicking required to shift focus or get to work on something new.
  9. OpenWorkspace’s approach to offloading window and tab management frees up the user’s time and focus, providing a universal solution to the ever-increasing information management problem on the desktop—not limited to tab hoarding.
  10. As of today, PC users can upgrade their existing desktop to the Automatic Deskop™ by downloading OpenWorkspace®, generally available today for Windows users, and currently accessible by waitlist.

The Tab Hoarding Problem, Explained.

Discover the anatomy of today’s unsolved tab hoarding problem.

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In 2021, a team of researchers from Carnegie Melon University (CMU) dove deep into the role that browser tabs play in our day-to-day work.  Their research was significant in that it identified a root cause of one of today’s most burning problems at the desktop, in tab hoarding.  They called the phenomenon the ‘black hole effect’, likening it to a vast digital universe where every open browser tab is a tiny star, each representing a piece of information, a task to complete, or a reminder of things to come. As users navigate this universe, they find themselves surrounded by an ever-increasing number of these stars, reluctant to let any of them fade away.

The CMU team’s research uncovered competing pressures for keeping tabs open (such as fear of losing information and the costs of having to re-locate and surface it again) versus closing them (such as having limited attention, resources, and available space on the desktop). While closing tabs would free up space and declutter the desktop, doing so could plunge the stars into a digital black hole, lost forever. The fear ultimately stemmed from the high cognitive and fine motor costs of re-finding information once a tab is closed. Even bookmarks and grouped or archived tabs represented forgotten constellations—out of sight, out of mind—never to be revisited.

But this digital hoarding wasn’t just about keeping tabs open. It was also about preserving progress and avoiding the daunting task of retracing steps to retrieve valuable insights. The emotional attachment to these tabs was palpable, as each represented a piece of unfinished business, a task in limbo, or a potential missed opportunity.

To tackle the issue, the CMU team proposed innovative solutions similar to those proposed by earlier research on the same topic.  Intelligent archiving systems, for example, might gently remind users of their dormant stars.  Or, organizing tabs into groups based on activity could help manage tasks and nested sub-tasks more efficiently.  They even went so far as to dream up futuristic technology that could automatically resurface tabs and windows when relevant to the task at handall without the user taking any action.  Still, it all seemed like something out of tomorrow’s world, as our laptops simply did not work like that.

The ‘black hole effect’ highlights the double-edged sword that the web browser has become, as the evolution of the internet and web browsing has outpaced that of the technology we use to navigate it. What began as a convenient method to multitask and organize online activities has now spiraled into the significant cognitive and productivity challenge popularly referred to as ‘tab overload’.

While the CMU research offered valuable insights into the psychology of tab hoarding, it left unexplored the technological factors behind the behavior, raising the question:

What role does technology play in the tab hoarding problem?

The Manual Desktop

Understand today's cost of information management at the desktop.

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Operating the desktop is an entirely manual process, in that getting to work requires users carry out some series of actions involving thinking (e.g., recalling which tabs, specific chats, or files are needed for the task-at-hand) and doing (e.g., surfacing them to top of the desktop). The desktop has always required this level of input of the user.  Under the hood are the same windowing methods and techniques first deployed by PARC (Xerox’s Palo Alto Research Center) in 1973.  While PARC digitized the paper-based desk experience with the GUI and mouse, and far advanced it by adding all-new capabilities like hypertext and ethernet (to name a few), the desktop itself was never automatedat least not in a ‘George Jetson’ sense, akin to a robot arranging a collection of documents across one’s desk with the snap of a finger.  This was for good reason, since before the web browser and cloud computing, window and tab management were non-issues, with users accessing the same handful of application windows each time they used the computer.

To put this into perspective, over the same course of time, the automobile has been advanced by automation twice: once from manual to automatic transmission, then again from automatic transmission to autonomous driving.  Meanwhile we’ve spent far more time on the desktop than behind the wheel of our cars, using it to create at least one third of the world’s GDP—despite it being powered by manual transmission.

The repurcussions of having to manage digital information in human memory are drastic, yet we tend to accept them as the cost of getting to work.  Still, in today’s world of work, information management is the silent productivity killer and the biggest inhibitor of our day-to-day work.  According to popular research, knowledge workers that spend six or more hours a day at their computer bring tabs and windows to the top of their desktop 1300 times a day on average, amounting to as much as 1/3 of the workday being spent on window and tab management, a menial job that has absolutely nothing to do with the work being done.

The Cost of Getting to Work

The thinking and heavy lifting required, and the time spent on it all.


Throughout the workday, we continuously build mental models of the information we need for upcoming tasks or topic-based work.  Then we use the mental model to construct our view of information on the desktop—all just to begin the next task or topic. For example, when responding to an email, we first build a mental model for the task of drafting a response (“what’s the topic, and what other information do I need at my disposal?”). When it comes time to attend a call, we build a mental model for it.  Then we build a mental model for the next one. And so on.

To illustrate the significance of this problem, we might isolate the parts of our work that require this type of ongoing information management, attributing each part to one of two user actions:

  1. Thinking, or recalling which information is needed for a given task (along with its source location). Then associating the information as a collective unit, or as a ‘mental model’ of the task to be completed on the desktop.
  2. Doing, or finding tabs and windows by identifying those already on the desktop, and fetching those that are not. Identifying open tabs and windows involves continuous scanning, or glancing at numerous labels and icons, until the resource is identified.  Those tabs or windows not yet open must be fetched by recalling their location(s), then surfacing them with the mouse and keyboard, from the local system or the web to the desktop. Doing something on the desktop can only begin once the user has begun constructing a mental model of the upcoming task, using their own limited working memory.

Both thinking and doing represent limited resources that must be continuously drawn upon throughout the course of the day, since thinking is necessary for recalling (and encoding) the collection of information needed for a topic, and doing is necessary for navigating the information on the desktop.

The thinking required.

Key ideas and assumptions made here and in future posts about how we think on the desktop are based on foundational scientific research into cognitive memory systems, namely, the Information Processing Model (Atkinson and Shiffrin, 1968), the Working Memory Model (Baddeley and Hitch, 1974), and the Dual Coding Theory (Paivio, 1986).


The central idea behind the Information Processing Model is that as we go about our day we see and hear ‘stimuli’ that we process momentarily to decide whether or not to pay attention to it.  Applying the model to the use of the desktop, we might see (on our calendar) an event scheduled to begin in 10 minutes.  Or we might hear (by audio notification or by inner-voice) a reminder of it.

Within seconds, we decide whether to forget it (by discarding it, for now) or to give it more attention (by transfering it to ‘working memory’.  For instance, the upcoming call might not require any further thought or preparation (or it might not be attended at all), in which case the call reminder is ‘discarded’, and given no further thought until the next time related stimuli resurfaces.  On the other hand, if the call needs preparation or the desktop needs to be readied for it, the call reminder is transferred to ‘working memory’, where a mental image symbolizing the call (e.g., an image of the other call attendee’s LinkedIn profile) is used to aid in recalling (from long-term memory) the additional information needed for the upcoming call.

In working memory, the user constructs a ‘mental model’ made up of the collection of information relevant to the call, becoming a focused task that demands the user’s limited thought.  This circular process of (working memory) requesting and retrieving (from core memory) additional information needed for the call continues until a more comprehensive view of what’s needed has been arranged—mentally (in working memory) then literally (on the desktop).  When the call is complete, working memory does its best job to ‘encode’ the updated mental model so that it can be retrieved in its last-known state when the call or topic is revisted sometime in the future.  Only then can the mental model be discarded, freeing up working memory to do it all again for the next topic or task at hand.

The doing required.

Key ideas and assumptions made here and in future posts about what we do on the desktop are based on long-established models like the GOMS Model (Goals, Operators, Methods, and Selection) and the Keystroke-Level Model (KLM).  In future posts, we’ll illustrate the doing problem by deconstructing the manually-intensive operations required to use the classic desktop.

The Memex that Never Was (And What We Got Instead)

How today's desktop falls short of realizing an early vision of the peak desktop experience®.


In 1945, decades before personal computers existed, American engineer and visionary Vannevar Bush proposed a theoretical device called the ‘Memex’ that resembled a traditional office desk, but embedded with the electronics that came to make up personal computers thirty years later (disc storage, memory, CPU, display).

The Memex (short for ‘memory extension’, or ‘memory index’) was intended to work as a personal knowledge system, a digital scrapbook of sorts that would allow users to store, navigate, and retrieve vast amounts of information by association (think hashtags), much like how human memory worked, in terms of retrieving and processing associated information in working memory then encoding it into core memory, as theorized by the Information Processing Model and its supporting research.

Upon recieving input from the user (for instance a keyword, like “bow & arrow”), the Memex would surface a subset of information related to the topic, then display the information on multiple monitors in order to give the user a holistic view of the topic. The user could then page through the collection of information by using mechanical controls like knobs, keyboards, and levers, in order to add more information to the collection or to edit or reorder its contents.  Once the collection of information (or the ‘trail’ of information, as Bush referred to it as) was updated to the user’s liking (or once a new topic called), the collection could then be ‘saved’ to storage in the form of a reel of microfilm that could be ported from Memex to Memex in order to share knowledge and distribute collections of information among separate users.


Though the Memex never became a reality (it was technologically impossible at the time), it became a primary influence for how the personal computer came to operate three decades later.  Namely, it was foundational in establishing the construct of file systems, along with the mechanical concepts that became fixtures of computers (the processor, disc-based storage, keyboard, the embedded display).

That said, its intention to augment human information management was notably never fully realized by commercial operating systems, where users spend an excessively high cost of time, energy, and cognition to overcome information management constraints imposed by application-centric navigation and file management.

    1. Hierarchical File Systems: Modern desktop operating systems predominantly rely on hierarchical file systems. Information is stored in a structured manner—files within folders, and folders within directories—rather than in a web of associative links as envisioned by Bush. This model limits the fluidity and non-linear access to information that the Memex concept aimed to facilitate.  The fragmented nature of tabs, windows, and applications underscores a lack of continuity in how information is stored and accessed. The constant switching between contexts hinders the creation of a cohesive, associative network of information akin to the Memex.
    2. Search Mechanisms For Single Resources: Modern search tools in operating systems rely heavily on keyword-based searching rather than associative recall.  While helpful, this type of keyword-based search surfaces individual files, apps, and tabs, requiring users to incrementally repeat the process of searching and surfacing each resource one-by-one until a cohesive collection of information is arranged in view on the desktop. This approach often leaves the user with disjointed results rather than with a coherent trail of resources related in context, as the Memex would have provided.
    3. Limited Associative Linking: While hyperlinks within documents or web pages allow for some form of associative linking, this capability is highly limited within the operating system itself and not inherent to how users interact with the classic desktop that was never designed for the kind of cross-referencing and trail-following that Bush imagined.  Today we string together trails of associated information manually, our options limited to ‘tab groups’ and single applications that integrate information from other applications into a single window traveresed by side-navigation. Meanwhile, at the system-level, users cannot easily link files or pieces of information across different applications in a way that Memex proposed would mimic human thought processes (like constructing collections of related information in working memory).

Existing solutions address this problem within the application layer, where many web apps connect programmatically with other web apps to bubble up the connected app’s content into a single-window user interface.  For example, project management or chat apps typically integrate with document management apps (or vice-versa).  And the chat app may also be connected to an app or ecosystem where documents are managed, or where employee payroll is handled, or to some enterprise resource planning app, for example.

OpenWorkspace® addresses this problem more holistically, at the system-level, across the application layer, both within and outside the web browser, tying together collections of information from disparate sources so that the user can open all of it at once, much like opening a file.

The Automatic Desktop

How OpenWorkspace® frees up the user's time, energy, and cognition by offloading window and tab management onto the system.

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OpenWorkspace® automates the desktop by adding two new functions to the operating system:

  1. SAVE Workspace : Enables the USER to configure the desktop for some routine or anticipated task/topic/project/client/meeting/activity/etc., then to save the arrangement as a ‘workspace’, complete with the specific windows and tabs arranged for the task or topic.
  2. OPEN Workspace: Enables the SYSTEM to instantaneously arrange the desktop per its saved state, on-demand, with a single click or keystroke—an otherwise impractical task that would consume minutes of time and cognition if carried out by the user (each time the user switched contexts or topics, no less). 

When compounding the costs of fetching information over the course of an 8-hour work day, arranging the desktop on-demand can save the user anywhere from thirty minutes to hours each day, depending on how integrated the user’s information already is.

OpenWorkspace’s window management system can be described as a modern-day Memex. 

Conceptually, OpenWorkspace® realizes the central premise of the Memex by relieving the user from having to think about much of anything related to managing information… and it builds upon it by relieving the user from having to do much of anything with the mouse or keyboard to arrange it in view.

Functionally, OpenWorkspace® stores a collection of disparate tabs and windows in the form of a file, that when opened some time later, spreads the arrangement out on the desktop, resizing and positioning everything to restore it to its last-saved state on the desktop. Like traditional files, workspaces can be stored locally or on shared drives, or  distributed among team members, colleagues or friends.  And just like traditional files, workspaces can be named, updated, tagged/labelled, renamed, and re-labelled.

Creating & Opening Workspaces with OpenWorkspace®

Get to Know The Automatic Desktop


Intro and how-to video coming soon to the @OpenWorkspaceOfficial YouTube Channel.

OpenWorkspace® Compatability

The freedom to pursue the peak desktop experience on your own terms.

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OpenWorkspace® couples with your existing operating system to advance its native desktop and windowing capabilities without disrupting its unique user experience, so that you can continue to work as you do today on your existing system.

Today, OpenWorkspace® is compatable with devices running Windows 10 or Windows 11, from entry-level or mid-range PC’s running 3- or 5-series CPUs to high-end laptops and workstations running 7- or 9-series CPUs and higher.

Recommended Hardware Requirements (for optimal performance)

  • OS: Microsoft Windows 10 or 11 (64 bit)
  • CPU: Intel 8th generation processors (Intel i3/i5/i7/i9-7x), Core M3-7xxx , Xeon E3-xxxx, and Xeon E5-xxxx processors, AMD 8th generation processors (A Series Ax-9xxx, E-Series Ex-9xxx, FX-9xxx) or ARM64 processors (Snapdragon SDM850 or later).
  • RAM: 16 GB or more
  • GPU: DirectX 9 or later
  • Disk: More than 5GB free space

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